Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Where to meet this Saturday? (Oct 20th)

I won't be in town this Saturday and still not sure if I can skype in. Please discuss where you'd like to meet.

- Bagel shop that Chris mentioned
- Ava Roastaria (near the Beaverton library). Free wifi and a nice coffee shop  
- Or elsewhere. 


Up ahead. 

The following Saturday, Oct 27th we can meet at my place at the usual time 10-12 pm. But then, there's a NaNoWriMo Kick off party from 2 - 4pm. 

If you have never participated in NaNoWriMo (short for National Novel Writing Month). It's a writerly challenge of writing a novel during the month of November (at least 50,000 words). I tried to participate in this last year, but I quit in the middle because it was my last year of grad school and I was overwhelmed. Now that I graduated, I have no excuse :P...It was a lot of fun. There are many local write-ins all over the city. And it's a good way to meet other writers and people. I encourage you all to participate in it. 

There's a kick off party and here's the email  I got: 

What: Kickoff Party!
When: Saturday, October 27, 2012
Time: 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Place: Multnomah County Central Library, U.S. Bank Room
See it in our regional forum and on our Google Calendar: http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/regions/usa-oregon-portland
What to bring:
*A snack to share (enough for around 7-10 people; don’t try to bring enough for the whole crowd, you might injure your noveling hand!)
*A bowl or plate to serve your snack if it’s needed
*Your own drink and drinking vessel
What we’ll do:
This is when we get together for a breather during the pre-NaNo frenzy and meet each other, find new WriMo friends, reconnect with old WriMo buddies and gear up for another fabulous year of words. It’s also where we get stickers, plot ninjas, and maybe a new idea or two.
We’ll have a little bit of talking about the ins and outs and details of NaNo. We’ll take some time to introduce ourselves and entice everyone with hints about what we’re going to write. We’ll have a few talks, a lot of laughs, and munchies to give our hands something to do since we can’t write yet.
We have the room starting at 1:30, so if you want to come a bit early and help us move chairs and tables we won’t turn you away. And if you can stay a little past 4:30 to help us move the chairs and tables back where they started, that would be fabulous!
Hope to see you at the kickoff!


  1. Sounds like fun.

    If we end up meeting, I'll have to talk to Katie about possibly getting a ride, since I'm more or less stranded for the time being. We'z be dead broke. :/

    In any event, I'm up for whatever location. I like bagels, but if the seating is more comfortable in the Beaverton location--all the better. There is also Powell's Books in Beaverton too. :)

    Many options to choose from! Let's get writing! :D

  2. The Cedar Hills Powells closed their coffee shop.

  3. Ava Rostaria is a nice comfy place. I'm not sure how close it is to the bus line.

  4. It's VERY close to the bus line. Right off Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., on Hall, by the 52, the 76, and the 78. It would be very easy for me to get to. They have sandwiches, sweets, coffee, and such. I don't know if they have different things available in the morning; I've never been there in the morning.

    Indu, are you aware of what you wrote above?
    "And it's a good way to meet other writers and people." That means we writers aren't people! I hear a prompt idea coming on...

    I will be attending my other group on the morning of the 27th, but I'm considering going from there to the send-off. I've never taken part in NaNoWriMo before. I feel their rules are too strict and inappropraite for me, because you're not supposed to have ANY of the novel written until November, and I can't come up with a fresh novel on the spur of the moment that way. I took part in a less-strict version of the event on AuthorsByDesign.com, and I don't know whether much of the drivel I came up with will end up in the book I was attempting. I could attempt to write more of the same novel (it's book 2 of my vampire series) or start book 3, but I don't have a lot of ideas for book 3 yet. I want to do some reading that will inspire me for that, because I think book 3 is really going to get gutsy. And I don't know that I could do book 3 without pretty much finishing book 2. And I'd have to put the first book on hold. The event is for writers who write a certain way, and I don't fit in that box. What happens to people who don't exactly follow the rules? Will we be executed? Since we writers are not people, does it matter?

  5. Of course, we writers aren't people. We are a different species altogether. You went to PSU and part of Ooligan and didn't figure it out yet? :P I didn't really realize that I belonged to this peculiar species called writers until I dated an engineer.

    Yes that was done on purpose but should have said "other people." Last year I met two people who aren't writers. One loves to read and give ideas to writers and the other person was married to a writer and he came as a supporter. That was at a NaNoWriMo meetup group.

    Whether the rules matter or not, I'm going to do things my way and bend the rules. And I don't think it matters. I like to partipate so that I can network and have yet another motive to write. And knowing me a social butterfly, I love to expand my circle whether people or alien species. (Techincally, I used to be an alien through another definition but that's another story). I love to also support and encourage others in their creative dreams.

    I guess it'd work best for those who strictly write first and edit later. It may not be for everyone. Right now, for my novel I'm focused on having "raw material" ...And I'm not really waiting till November. I'm cheating. So there!

    1. Agreed, we writers are a different species. We have people in our heads that scream to come out on paper or, in a recent evolutionary stage, on the Internet. We are gods, co-creators with our Creator, and few if any can understand us truly but other writers.
      And I think when it comes to Nano, cheating is the only way to go. Only question for me is, which kind of cheating do I want to do? I expect the meeting will be fun and may help me decide what to do.
